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Monday, 7 May 2007
Footbinding in China
Topic: Opinion

This, and other body-modification schemes humanity has heaped upon our women over the centuries and across the continents, were never about 'beauty'. They were always about control

In spirit, foot-binding is no different from the European corsets that broke the ribs, crushed the organs, and stunted the growth of women for hundreds of years; no different than the burkhas hard-line modern Islamists use to cover and anonymitize their women; a woman with a bound foot cannot walk far out of the family home, and a woman in a burkha can hardly go anywhere at all. These were measures put in to control women's movements and consequently subjugate their lives.  Sure, you read literature about how 'golden lillies' were considered beautiful in old-time China, but such literature were always written by men, who determined a woman's worth through a standard that can only be achieved through artifice. Pallid, weakened women with artificial (not to say dangerous) 18" waists were also considered beautiful in old-time Western societies, but who determines these standards of beauty anyways, and why do we women perpetually fall for it?  Why do I wear spiky high heels and think I look fantastic when barely able to hobble perilously from the curb to a restaurant door?

Speaking as a Chinese-American woman, I can tell you that foot-binding is no longer done (note the extreme age of the woman in the pictures) in China.  My grandmother had feet that were bound by her mother, but she came of age shortly after the revolution in 1911 and her feet were 'liberated' and allowed to return to a more natural form.  They did straighten back out, but never grew to normal adult size, instead remained small enough to wear child-size shoes all her life.  Feet on Chinese girls were bound starting at about age 6-7, and were ostensibly a sign of affluence (the whole reason of 'control' notwithsanding and certainly unspoken) - a girl with bound feet will do no hard work, and certainly no peasant work like farming.  In this, food-binding shares another commonality with European corsets - a corseted woman can't bend at the waist, run fast, or even turn around quickly; thus only ladies wore corsets, starting with 'training corsets' when pre-adolescents, and their servants did not. In modern ages, our equivalent might be tanning, or eating disorders; they are beauty-regimens of the affluent, and just as the olden days, such beauty can kill us so easily, much more galling because we do it to ourselves.

NPR Story on footbinding in China:


Posted by conniechai at 12:40 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 6 February 2008 11:28 AM PST
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Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Topic: Personal
Bruce took me to the LA Times Festival of Books this weekend, and we had a blast.  I've never been to a book festival before, and this was a great experience.  It was held on the campus of UCLA, and was free to all public, except if you wanted to attend a panel discussion or an interview you have to get tickets (for crowd control purposes), which can be had on-line for a pittance of $0.75; the upshot is that within a day of the tickets becoming available they were almost all gone for all the really interesting panels, so we had to make some strategery decisions on planning our festival experience.

We met Michael Pollan and had him sign Bruce's copy of The Omnivore's Dilemma (my copy is in storage somewhere buried in a density of boxes, along with my copy of his other book, The Botany of Desire).  We couldn't get tickets to his discussion panel called "Food Fight: When did eating become controversial?", so we had to go into the Standby line before the panel started; while we were in line, a woman behind us asked us to hold her place while she checked in with her party at the on-site ticket line.  We held her space, shuffled around restively in the rapidly warming morning, and when she came back right before the panel started, lo and behold she had 4 tickets in hand - 2 of them for us! It made our day!

We paid that favor forward later in the day by handing a pair of Ray Bradbury tickets to some people waiting in the Standby line for that event, and they told us it made their day.

Tangent: We didn't go to the Bradbury event because Bruce was taking me and the kids to a LA Galaxy vs Chivas USA soccer game.  That was a little awkward in the beginning as Yohlee was at the same game with her boyfriend Dirk, and it was the first time the two women had seen each other.  We did not meet, however. Bruce knows I cannot abide public scenes, and he was concerned that one might ensue; I however circumvented any such eventuality by suddenly finding interesting posters on the stadium walls to read rather than crossing paths with her in the ticket line.  Fortunately, our seats - with the kids - were very, very far away from her and Dirk, and the rest of the evening passed in peace and I really enjoyed the game, even capturing a goal on my digital camera video. We went out to supper afterwards and embarrassed the kids with groaner puns - to wit: Samantha says she had a glass of milk the previous night and she woke up all congested. Her father responds with "I bet you thought that milk was a good idea, but it's snot". 

It's a bit of a shame that Yohlee can't cooperate with Bruce more, as my ex and I are in full cooperative mode and we are on quite good terms, even professionally - Robert is a municipal water engineer and our work sometimes intersect, so it makes sense for us to stay friendly.  And I assure you that I hope to eventually have at least have a polite relationship with Yohlee, because it would cause Bruce less stress, and I will do what I can.

Now, returning to your regular email programming.

Have you heard of the books " Guns, Germs and Steel" (now a PBS program) and "Collapse" by Jared Diamond? Bruce loaned me his copies of both books into which I've made, sadly, not very much inroad but have enjoyed so far.  His sister, journalist Susan Diamond, also has a mystery novel out " What Comes Around", and they did a panel together talking about their upbringing and how they came to write what they write.   We went to the panel and had them sign their books too.  I asked her to dedicate her book to "Bruce and Bunny", and took pains to point out, amusingly, that I am the Bunny half of that duo, should there be any confusion*. Susan Diamond told a funny tale of watching Jared Diamond, in high school on the debate team, delivering a rebuttal during a public debate, and "...suddenly, without warming, Jared split an infinitive!" It goes to show the literary nerd quotient of the audience when everyone in the room not only got the joke but gasped obligingly and laughed out loud; or as we say in Internet parlance, LOL'd.

*I was born in 1975, the year of the Rabbit by the Chinese reckoning. When I was growing up my family called me Bunny, and even now my mother and my relatives call me that.  I told Bruce this and he has since been taken to using that moniker with me too.

We also met Walter Mosley, whose books Bruce have enjoyed. We brought several books to the signing after his very impassioned, very funny interview. Ostensibly it was about his new book "This Year You Write Your Novel", a lot of which was apparently about the commitment to write; he also treated us to his political views, an off-color joke, and the sight of a ginormous gold ring the size of a small chicken.  He told Bruce the ring was an original Ghanaian artifact, and since it was too tacky to have been made-up, I suppose it must be authentic.

Our last program of the festival that we had tickets for was a panel of history writers, notably military history writers; we had not known any of the authors but the panel topic was interesting enough that I got tickets, knowing that Bruce is interested in military history; on the same day, he went and got tickets to a science writer's panel knowing that I like science writing. Unfortunately for us, both panels were Sunday at 1:30, and we ended up making somebody else's day by giving away the science panel tickets to people in the stand-by line.  The historian David Wallechinsky has a book called The World's 20 Worst Dictators; I bought a copy for him to sign and now I can't wait to read what he says about the premier of China, Hu Jing Tao - oppressive Communist bastard that he is. By that I mean, Hu, not Wallechinsky.

One of the writers on the History panel has a book out on pirates, and I told Bruce that I want to go to the mic during Q&A and ask him if he's planning a book on ninjas (click on link for pirates vs ninjas Internet meme).  Bruce suggested I ask him if pirates were really motivated by money, or some other forms of...[wait for it]... booty.  Luckily for everyone, time ran out before I could make my way up there.

There were a lot of authors there, including cartoonists; Bruce got Sam a Rubes calendar, and Austin a signed Foxtrot volume.  The artist of Foxtrot actually drew a little cartoon of one of his characters saying "Hi Austin!" on the flyleaf, it was certainly different and fun.  I wanted a copy for myself but they had run out and we snagged the last copy of the book for Austin. Score!

We had great fun, although admittedly a bit - okay, a lot - nerdy.  The funniest moment during the two days, though, was driving up to LA and passing a car with the license plate that said " HALDOL", surrounded by a license plate frame that says "It's working!". I LOL'd. Bruce suggested we drive up against this guy's rear bumper so I can get a photo to send out, but we agreed, prudently, that it would be inadvisable to tailgate someone who's on an anti-psychotic drug in order to point a camera at them while we're all going 80 mph.

Posted by conniechai at 1:28 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 29 June 2007 8:04 AM PDT
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Saturday, 14 April 2007
Better than a grilled cheese sandwich
Topic: Fun

 Spotted on the west side of Azusa Blvd, in West Covina, between Vine and Merced streets.

Posted by conniechai at 8:20 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 18 April 2007 9:15 PM PDT
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Bureaucrats don't have balls? These do!
Topic: Personal

Bruce took me to the South Orange County Chambers of Commerce Ball last night and we had a really good time.  Bruce knows absolutely everyone, of course, and I met some of his friends and colleagues and heard some very nice things about him.  People really think very highly of him and his work, and did not hesitate to tell me how wonderful it was for the region to have him and what a great job he's doing.  It was very heartening.

Although I myself had made a little splash...Someone mistook me as the newly elected First District county supervisor (another Asian woman about my age) and was about to congratulate me on my recent election victory before he stopped himself short to confirm my identity.  I joked with Bruce that come Monday there'll be rumors in the county that he was canoodling with the newly elected supervisor all night and was seen leaving the party with her, even.  Qu'elle scandale!


Posted by conniechai at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 29 June 2007 8:06 AM PDT
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Friday, 23 March 2007
Washington DC
Topic: Personal

We saw a seafood restaurant called "Legal Sea Foods", and being us - lots of fish puns ensued. He was quite finny. We debated whether they served poached fish (ah ha ha, poached). It was off the scale, but you know we just did it for the halibut and not on porpoise.

Posted by conniechai at 9:14 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 29 June 2007 8:19 AM PDT
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Thursday, 22 March 2007
Washington DC
Topic: Personal

This morning we went to the Capitol and had a tour led by a squeaky keen intern from the office of Ken Calvert (R-Ca).  From his work, Bruce knew a lot more about everything we were looking at than the intern, so I actually learned far more about government and the history of DC than I got from the "official" tour.

We went to the National Portrait Gallery, where I had visited alone on Wednesday when Bruce had been at the conference. I attended a tour led by a docent who is a retired history teacher, so it was very informative and engaging. I couldn't wait to bring Bruce back with me today and give him the same (well, as much as possible) tour. Did you know the guy who patented the Singer sewing machine had five wives, some of whose tenures overlapped?  Or that President Taft was stuck in the White House bathtub 3 times? Or that Orville and Wilbur Wright were the first newspaper publishers who printed poetry written by a black man? Neither did I until the tour, and we had a really good time goofing off with some of the statues as well.



Posted by conniechai at 8:37 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 29 June 2007 8:22 AM PDT
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Tuesday, 20 March 2007
Washington DC
Topic: Personal

We didn't make it to the Smithsonian today, but we did have a very illuminating afternoon in the Phillips Gallery where they have the original of the Renoir " Luncheon of the Boating Party", one of Bruce's favorite paintings, as well as quite a collection of impressionist works.  The Phillips also had a considerable collection of modern art for us to snark over. We neither of us really seem to feel modernism.

Incidentally, about impressionism - in the movie "Clueless", one of the rich high school girls in the story is described as a 'Monet' - "She looks fine from a distance, but close up, it's a mess."

Now back to the blog entry.

We went to Second Story Books after the art gallery, and if I wasn't growing faint and crabby from hunger, we might still be there.  Bruce added to his collection of reading materials, being as how his apartment can not quite pass as a used book store. Yet.

We have been walking everywhere, the weather's nice and crisp, Bruce likes pointing out interesting views and landmarks to me, and I enjoy his company. Although there's plenty of cabs and the Metro, we still prefer the physical immersion (and the exercise) we get from walking through the city streets, through the parks, and through traffic circles trying to get out without getting killed by embassy cars (which they could do with immunity if they wanted to).

Bruce pointed out to me that DC license plates say, on the bottom, "Taxation Without Representation". I love that open, expressive, and justifiably dour attitude. It's all about the free speech, no?

About today's photos:

(1) Pink and Blue: Magnolias against the sharp blue afternoon sky, a flash of color in winter

(2) Magnolias against the red-brick of the Phillips Collection building

(3) magnoliashadows.jpg: From the inside of the gallery, the magnolia tree outside cast its shadows across the white canvas shade across the window facing the light in the afternoon sun.

(4) We walked by a cleaner's today, where they claim to use "organic solvents". Organic, like benzene? 'Cause you know, aromatic compounds really does the stains in. Brilliant! We pointed, we laughed, we took a photo so you too can point and laugh.


Posted by conniechai at 8:29 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 29 June 2007 8:24 AM PDT
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Monday, 26 February 2007
From the Inappropriate Vernacular School of American Journalism
Topic: Review

Of all the ways one could have headlined a story about the slave/slaveowner ancestry-link between Al Sharpton and Strom Thurmond, the San Diego Union Tribune chooses "Who's Your Daddy?"

Posted by conniechai at 4:47 PM PST
Updated: Thursday, 1 March 2007 5:03 PM PST
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Monday, 12 February 2007
Baby Got Back - Gilbert & Sullivan styel
Topic: Fun

Posted by conniechai at 4:38 PM PST
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Tuesday, 30 January 2007
Demodex folliculorum? In MY eyelashes?
Topic: News


Demodex folliculorum, or the demodicid, is a tiny mite, less than 0.4 mm long, that lives in your pores and hair follicles, usually on the nose, forehead, cheek, and chin, and often in the roots of your eyelashes.

(A follicle is the pore from which a hair grows). Demodicids have a wormlike appearance, with legs that are mere stumps. People with oily skin, or those who use cosmetics heavily and don't wash thoroughly, have the heaviest infestations ... but most adults carry a few demodicids. Inflammation and infection often result when large numbers of these mites congregate in a single follicle.


This is worse than centipedes in my vagina!


Posted by conniechai at 4:32 PM PST
Updated: Thursday, 1 March 2007 4:51 PM PST
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